One Million Pledges
Making the Pledge marks a willingness to talk with those near and dear to us about our values, hopes and preferences surrounding End of Life.
The Pledge
I realize that one day my end will come. I want to prepare myself and my loved ones for that time. I'm ready to take these decisive steps
A Compassionate Guide
to End of Life

By David S. White
Foreword by Brad Stuart, MD
5 x 8, 200 Pages, $12.95
Tradepaper, ISBN: 979-8-218-00516-0
Also available as an ebook, $6.99
Publication date for both: June 21, 2022
Rose Window Press
We Need To Talk
Conversations to Ease Fear and Suffering Surrounding End of Life
Dying can be hard work, but the evolution of healthcare over the past 50 years has made it harder than it needs to be. Here is a compassionate guide to ease fear and provide clarity at the end of life.
Author David White shares from his life’s work spent at more than 10,000 bedsides as a hospital, nursing home, and hospice chaplain. This compact volume outlines the options that are ours to choose, and provides compelling reasons to have “the Conversation” about the care we’d prefer.
White invites us to safely approach and address one of our culture’s most self-defeating taboos, our stubborn reluctance to discuss death and dying. This is an essential roadmap for a time of life that awaits us all, as well as for those accompanying us on the journey.
Media Review Copy available
Book reviewers and media may request a book for review or in preparation for an interview.
Seeking Organizational Partners in A Million Pledge Initiative
In addition, we’re seeking to collaborate with organizations who are engaged in this work. We invite your group or organization to join us in a national initiative to inspire pledges from one million readers to have “The Conversation.” A running count of the pledges will be tallied at Initiative partners will be named on the website. We welcome your ingenuity and passion. Contact us HERE.
Thank you. We look forward to hearing from you.
David White

David White works with seriously ill patients and their family members as a full time, senior chaplain at Reading Hospital; a 650 bed, Level 1 Trauma Center in Berks County, PA. Visit him online at
In We Need to Talk, David uses his extensive experience with patients, their loved ones, and members of his own family to show how to make these conversations work. His book will help ensure that the underserved—all of us—will be cared for with compassion when we need it the most.
— Brad Stuart, MD, CMO, The Coalition to Transform Advanced Care (C-TAC)